If you’ve seen this helicopter hovering a few hundred feet above the ground in the past few years, you probably saw Aerial Camera Works at work on the award-winning, epic series Aerial America. Our crew used our Cineflex HD camera attached under the “chin” of the helicopter to capture stunning aerial shots of the US. Leo Tamarago, our in-house […]
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USML CLASSIFICATION REPORT The Cineflex Camera System is manufactured with classified components subject to the licensing jurisdiction of the Department of State in accordance with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 120 through 130). It is therefore designated as a defense article under Category XII (d) of the United States Munitions List and may […]
Cineflex HD Aerial Camera Works own and operates the Cineflex V14HDTV gyro-stabilized aerial helicopter camera systems to deliver state-of-the-art vibration-free shots. Our in-house aerial camera specialist, Leo Tamargo has provided breathtaking aerial shots for many productions including Smithsonian Channel’s award-winning, epic series Aerial America which shows many of the United States treasured landmarks as seen from high […]